Make Convert Any Website into Android App Creating Exit confirmation notifier Back Press Event


hey guys in this tutorial I'm going to

show you how you can implement this

press back again to exit functionality

which only closes your app if you press

back two times within a certain time

frame okay let's implement this first we

are going to need a long variable which

we call private long back pressed time

in this back pressed time variable we

are going to save the time in


milliseconds of the click now we

overwrite on back pressed we press ctrl

or search for on back pressed and press

Enter ok at the end of our on back

the pressed method we are going to set back

press time to a system dot current time

in Millie's so our back press time will

be set to the current time in

milliseconds but before this we are

going to create an if-else statement so

we say if back press time plus 2000

which equates to seconds is bigger than

system current time in Millie's so this

is comparing the time of the first click


to the time of our second click so if

our second click is within these two

seconds after the first click the if

part is going to heaven and in this part

we are going to put this

Subhan back pressed we cut it out here

and put it here and also we are going to

write return so we leave this method

after the if the part is happening in the

elf statement we are going to create

this toast message so is a toast dot

make the text as the context repairs get

In the pasted context we give it a string which

was a press back again to its exit and

also, we give it a length with a toast dot

length short and also we have to call

show understood now let's test it

if I wait longer than two seconds it's

not living and if I click two times


within these two seconds, it's living Deb

but if you may have noticed the toast

didn't disappear with the app itself it

lasted a bit longer so let's change this

let's put our toes into a toast variable

with private toast leg toast, we delete

the show part down here and say okay

Beck toast

equals toast make text and the next line

recall show on our back toast and here

in our is part we are going to call the

egg toast or cancel before closing the

app so if we close the app the toast is

going to get canceled immediately let's

test it and as you can see the toast

disappears immediately it says it again disappears

hey guys indes tutorial going to

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of you for example motto show user guide

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now they just leave der app sowie have

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the activity of the go outside of the skate

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don't forget you like entscheide video

and if you want more tutorials 

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